Young History Workshop

The young Geschichtswerkstatt introduces itself.

We, the Young History Workshop, are a diverse, small but active group of young people. We focus intensively on the topics of the time of National Socialism. We do not want to only listen and say what people want to hear, we want to understand history itself. What was applicable to back then, or should have been applied — “Nobody has the right to obey” Hannah Arendt — also applied to the current day. There can be no talk of the finishing line, not every story has been told yet! We want to ask around and ourselves new questions. We want a culture of remembrance to emerge and prosper. Never again? Absolutely. And you can be part of that too.

As part of the History Workshop Tübingen e.V., we have the opportunity to work on projects and contribute our own ideas. This is how we plan active events such as readings, panel discussions, guided tours and exhibitions.

On November 9th, we regularly participate in the commemoration of the November pogrom in 1938.

We also network with the youth guides of the Gäu-Neckar-Alb Memorial Association and continue to educate ourselves about the region's memorials, methods, sources, and other topics.

Feel free to write to us if you feel like stopping by one of our irregular meetings or the plenary of the history workshop. You don't have to be a trained youth guide!! All young people who are interested and motivated are welcome:

Via Email or phone 0171 3009825.