The History Workshop Tübingen often works closely with the Department of Art and Culture of the University City of Tübingen, for example at the annual commemoration on the 9th. November or on the creation of the historical path to National Socialism. The university city of Tübingen also supports the history workshop with annual association funding and project-bound funds.
The history workshop also cooperates with other voluntary initiatives in Tübingen such as the Association for Learning and Documentation Center on National Socialism e.V. or the Förderverein für jüdische Kultur in Tübingen e.V. Another local cooperation partner is the VHS Tübingen.
The Geschichtswerkstatt Tübingen e.V. is a member of the Gedenkstättenverbund Gäu-Neckar-Alb e.V., an association of 13 commemorative initiatives between Tübingen and Rottweil, Horb and Albstadt.
The Geschichtswerkstatt Tübingen e.V. is a member of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Gedenkstätten und Gedenkstätteninitiativen. Through the Department of Memorial Work of the State Agency for Civic Education Baden-Württemberg, the History Workshop receives annual and project-related funding.

The history workshop cooperates with numerous other commemorative initiatives and institutions.