Grabert – an extremely right-wing publisher

An information and education project

Tübingen has been one of the publishing cities from the founding of the university to the present day due to its diverse publishing landscape. In the 1950s, a right-wing extremist publisher was added to the primarily academic houses: Grabert Verlag, which distributed a number of historical revisionist, Nazi-glorifying and anti-Semitic pamphlets in the decades that followed. The publishing house provided a platform for numerous representatives of the so-called New Right. The publisher dynasty of Herbert, Wigbert and Bernhard Grabert was repeatedly convicted of distributing anti-constitutional writings and hate speech. A number of publications published by the publishing house are indexed.

From the very beginning of its foundation, the History Workshop Tübingen e.V. observed the activities of the publishing house critically. Our members tirelessly conducted research and searched for clarity surrounding the inconspicuous publisher. 

History of the Grabert and Hohenrain publishing house

The former university lecturer Herbert Grabert and later founder of the Grabert publishing house was active in the 1920s and 1930s, among other things, in the context of a national-socialist "German Faith Movement", which promoted a Germanic-neo-pagan, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic "Third Confession" for the "Third Reich" before Herbert Grabert recognized National Socialism as part of his faith. From 1936 he worked as a National Socialist religious and cultural scientist and historian. Because of the views he advocated, he was unable to continue his university career after 1945.


As part of his lobbying activities for the rehabilitation of former academic Nazi criminals and ideologists, Herbert Grabert, who was banned from his profession and still professed to be a National Socialist, founded the publishing house of the German University Teachers' Newspaper in 1953. This organ was aimed at people who, like himself, were not allowed to hold academic positions. In 1974 the publishing house was renamed Grabert Verlag.


Since the 1960s, the publisher and authors have been trying to reassert strategic, nationalistic and nationalist-racist thinking as well as anti-Semitic resentment. Among other things, authors from the Grabert publishing houses made contributions to the establishment of revisionist falsifications of history. German war guilt and the Holocaust are relativized or denied. The relevant works include the German translation of the book The Forced War which explored the causes and originators of World War II. The British author David L. Hoggan argues the hair-raising thesis that Great Britain and Poland instigated the Second World War and that Hitler only reacted defensively to foreign aggression.


The publication of such writings did not go unnoticed: as early as 1960, Herbert Grabert was sentenced to imprisonment for publishing the no less obscure book People without Leadership (also a Hoggan translation). In the following decades, despite repeated indexations and convictions, the ideological orientation of the publishing program did not change: With Wilhelm Sdling's The Auschwitz Myth (1979) or Carl-Friedrich Berg's book Wolfsgesellschaft (1995), the publishing house had further indexations, the most recent dates from 2013, when the management of the publishing house passed from Wigbert to Bernhard Grabert in the third generation. In 2021, Grabert Verlag ceased its activities until further notice.

Activities of the History Workshop Tübingen e.V.

Several members of the History Workshop Tübingen e.V. tirelessly dealt with the content of the publishing program from the house of Grabert. With several publications, lectures, expert opinions and an exhibition, they contributed to the comprehensive understanding of the potential damage to democracy the right-wing extremist and Nazi-glorifying ideologies disseminated by the publishing house could cause.


  • “Brown” historical lies from Tübingen, March 15 to April 15, 2011 in the union building Lichthof, Stuttgart.

Free Radio Wüste Welle has recorded a feature for the exhibition that you can listen to here.

Free Radio Wüste Welle has recorded a feature for the exhibition that you can listen to here.

The exhibition can be borrowed from the Geschichtswerkstatt Tübingen e.V.


  • Martin Finkenberger & Horst Junginger (Herausgeber), Im Dienste der Lügen. Herbert Grabert (1901–1978) und seine Verlage (Aschaffenburg: Alibri, 2004).Martin Finkenberger, "'Verfolgt' und 'Entrechtet'. Vom Interessenvertreter amtsenthobener Hochschullehrer zum rechtsextremen Geschichtsrevisionisten", in: Im Dienste der Lügen, S. 69-94.Martin Finkenberger, "Geschichtsrevisionisten vor Gericht", in: Im Dienste der Lügen, S. 125-142.Martin Finkenberger, "Herbert Garbert und der 'deutsche Bauernglaube' im Nationalsozialismus", in: Jahrbuch für Volkskunde NF 23 (2000), S. 51-76.Martin Finkenberger, "Herbert Grabert. Religionswissenschaftler, Revisionist, Rechtsextremist", in: Universitätsarchiv Tübingen (Herausgeber), Bausteine zur Geschichte der Universität Tübingen Band 9 (1999), S. 55-100.


  • Philipp Reisinger & Lucius Teidelbaum, "Braune Geschichtslügen aus Tübingen. Rechtsextremismus als Geschäft. Der Tübinger Grabert-Verlag". 27. April 2010, 20:00 Uhr, Volkshochschule Tübingen.

Right-wing publishers today

The Tübingen Grabert-Verlag is one of the oldest and most important extreme right-wing publishers in the Federal Republic. Early authors from Grabert Verlag often had a National Socialist background, while current authors often act as ideologues or functionaries of extreme right-wing organizations. One of the goals of the Grabert family is to establish a revisionist historiography. German war guilt and the Holocaust are relativized or denied. Attempts are being made to reassert national concepts and anti-Semitic resentment.


With the cessation of operations at Grabert and Hohenrain, however, the right-wing extremist publishing system in the German-speaking area has not yet come to a standstill. With the right-wing populist Kopp Verlag in nearby Rottenburg, a company with six-figure sales has now successfully established itself. This publishing house also represents right-wing extremist and ethnic ideologies in writing and online formats and specifically spreads anti-democratic and misanthropic conspiracy myths. Several members of the History Workshop Tübingen e.V. also observe these activities and provide information about right-wing extremist networks.

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